WiFi Security and Reliability: Why They Matter for Your Business

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If you’re like most business owners, you rely on your WiFi network to keep your business running smoothly. Whether you use it to power your computers and tablets or to run your point-of-sale system, a reliable and secure WiFi network is essential for keeping your business up and running. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of WiFi security and reliability for businesses, and we’ll give you some tips for ensuring that your network is as secure and reliable as possible.

WiFi Security and Reliability

Unfortunately, not all WiFi networks are created equal. In fact, many businesses suffer from poor WiFi security and reliability due to a number of factors. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why WiFi networks fail to meet the needs of businesses:

Poor network design

Many businesses don’t take the time to properly design their WiFi networks. As a result, they end up with networks that are inefficient and unreliable.

Lack of proper security

One of the most common reasons for poor WiFi security is a lack of proper security measures. Without the right security in place, your network is vulnerable to attack from hackers and other malicious individuals.

Interference from other devices

Another common cause of poor WiFi performance is interference from other devices. If you have a lot of devices on your network, they can interfere with each other and cause your connection to be slower and less reliable.

Outdated hardware and software

Finally, another reason why many business WiFi networks fail is because they’re using outdated hardware and software. If your network is more than a few years old, it’s likely that it isn’t up to the task of supporting today’s business needs.

Poor signal strength

One of the most common problems with WiFi networks is that they simply don’t have enough signal strength to reach all areas of a business. This can be a problem if you have a large or spread-out business, as you may find that some areas of your property have poor or no WiFi coverage.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why businesses suffer from poor WiFi security and reliability. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to improve the situation. Let’s take a look at some tips for ensuring that your WiFi network is as secure and reliable as possible:

Ensuring a Secure and Reliable WiFi Network

Use encryption

One of the best ways to protect your network is to use encryption. When your data is encrypted, it makes it much more difficult for hackers and other malicious individuals to access it. There are a number of different types of encryption, so you’ll want to consult with an expert in commercial cabling, like ADD Communications, for recommendations.

Use a firewall

Another great way to protect your network is to use a firewall. A firewall helps to block unwanted traffic from accessing your network, and it can also help to improve your network’s performance.

Use a professional cabling company

Finally, one of the best ways to ensure that your WiFi network is as secure and reliable as possible is to use a professional cabling company. A professional cabling company will be able to design and install a custom network that meets your specific needs.

ADD Communications: Commercial Cabling Contractor

ADD Communications is a leading provider of commercial cabling services, and we can help you ensure that your WiFi network is secure and reliable. We specialize in the design and installation of custom cabling solutions, and we can work with you to create a system that meets your specific needs. We will walk you through all the steps to ensure a robust and reliable WiFi network that your business can depend on:


ADD Communications knows that every business is unique. That’s why our team of experienced professionals works with you to assess your existing and future networking needs before recommending a solution.

System design

After consultation, ADD Communications will custom design a cabling system to support your specific business applications. From the initial concept and layout to the final installation, our team of experts will work diligently to ensure that your system meets or exceeds your expectations.

Installation and setup

Once your new system has been designed, our team of certified installers will expertly install all cable and equipment. They will also work with you to ensure that everything is properly configured and working correctly.

Contact ADD Communications today

If you’re looking for a commercial cabling company that can help you improve the security and reliability of your WiFi network, contact ADD Communications today. We look forward to helping you build a better network for your business. Request a quote today.

ADD Communications

The Team To Trust With Your Network

We work closely with local service providers, public agencies, electricians, IT professionals, security agencies, and other general contractors to ensure that the job gets done right!