How to Reconfigure Your Office Post-COVID: Network Cabling Tips

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As we all know, the COVID pandemic has forced many businesses to go to a remote work environment or to completely reconfigure their office layouts in order to optimize social distancing. While COVID-19 is still very much a concern, many businesses that were previously 100% remote are returning to the office – either partially or fully. And, as office layouts have changed, so too has the need for network cabling. Here are some considerations for office reconfiguration post-COVID and how network cabling can help.

Optimize Social Distancing

One of the biggest challenges that businesses face when reconfiguring their office post-COVID is how to best optimize social distancing. One way to do this is by utilizing network cabling to create separate workstations. By running cables through walls or under desks, you can create a physical barrier between workers that will help to promote social distancing. Additionally, if your office has gone from a traditional cubicle layout to a more open floor plan, network cabling can be used to segment the space and create distinct areas for different teams or departments.

Keep it Clean and Organized

Another consideration for office reconfiguration post-COVID is sanitation. Since the pandemic began, there has been an increased focus on cleanliness and office hygiene. When we think of sanitation at the office, we think about sanitization stations and stricter handwashing guidelines for food service workers. But even when it comes to network cabling, there are also some takeaways. First, make sure that all cables and equipment are properly labeled so that they can be easily identified. Second, consider using sanitizing wipes or sprays on all equipment that may be touched on a regular basis. And finally, if possible, run cables through conduit or surface-mount raceway to minimize the amount of exposed cabling.

Create a Flexible Workspace

The COVID pandemic has forced many businesses to re-evaluate their office space and how it is utilized. And, as we continue to adapt to the new normal, it’s important to create a workspace that is flexible and can be easily reconfigured as needed. Network cabling can play a big role in this by providing an infrastructure that is easy to move, add, or change. By working with the right setup, you can create a workspace that can be easily reconfigured as needed down the line.

Consult a Professional

Lastly, don’t forget to consult with a professional when reconfiguring your office post-COVID. While network cabling might seem like a simple task, it’s important to ensure that it is done properly in order to avoid any potential problems down the road. A professional, like ADD Communications, can help you assess your office layout and determine the best way to run cables in order to meet your specific needs.

ADD Communications: Network Cabling for Office Reconfigurations

As you can see, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when reconfiguring your office post-COVID. And, while network cabling might not be the first thing that comes to mind, it can actually play a big role in optimizing your office space for social distancing and flexibility. As we continue to adapt to the new normal, office reconfiguration post-COVID will become more and more common. And, as office layouts continue to change, so too will the need for network cabling. By keeping these considerations in mind, you can ensure that your office is properly outfitted for the future.

As always, if you have any questions or need assistance with your office reconfiguration project, our team of experts at ADD Communications is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to get started on your office reconfiguration project.

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